Accident Reporting Procedures
In considering accidents as an unpleasant event which has the potential of causing injury to personnel and damage property, it is pertinent to study, recommend and maintain prospective standards at preventing accidents from occurring. Most method of preventing accidents depends on careful investigation and proper reporting procedures.
In Reporting Accidents
- Go to the scene of the accident as soon as possible
- Talk with the injured if possible, with witness. (Don’t apportion blames. But get the facts)
- Listen to the conversation of the people around you
- Encourage people to give their ideas on the incident
- Study the causes (unsafe acts or unsafe conditions)
- Confer or meet with the location management about possible solutions.
- Follow-up to make sure conditions is corrected.
- Publish corrective measure taken
- Note that some accidents involve both unsafe ac sad unsafe conditions; do not blame anybody for any accident. Loss Prevention Department will be copied in every accident or incident report.