• No. 1, Yahaya Gwagwa Close, 46 Crescent, 4th Avenue, Gwarimpa, Abuja.
  • Mon - Sat 8.00 - 16.00. Sunday CLOSED

Health, Safety And Environment

Health, Safety And Environment

Introduction, Principles And Scope

Most human activities carry special risk, which could result in personal injury and property damage. It is an action of accident prevention that all evident have causes and a further act of faith that the great majority of them are preventable.

These manual sets out the responsibilities involved in implementing safety programmes on the work sits. It also presents records and procedures for identifying causes of accidents and rep systems that are to be maintained on the projects with the understanding that accidents do not suddenly happen; they are caused by unsafe acts or unsafe conditions.


  • A job is well done only when it is carried out safely
  • All accidents and injury can be prevented
  • Safety must never be scarified for the sake of expediency
  • Safety is equal to production and drilling in importance
  • Achieving Safe operation is a number one priority
  • Safety is everybody's business.


This document shall be used as a baseline for implementing and enforcement of the Company’s projects and shall be amended where necessary as new standards are adopted and when the client safe specifications exceed the company’s policy.

Our company will always contact the Supervising Department/Unit and Loss prevention for guidance if in doubt of any safety or environmental procedures.

Statement Of Policy (Safety)

Our company in recognition of the importance of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE), will carry out all work and activities in a way to eliminate accidents or injury to the workers and others; loss of materials during and after execution of any project.

Installation and other engineering construction shall be diligently pursued with safety consciousness. The environmental impact shall be assessed to minimize health hazards to workers and other members of the public within the work vicinity.

We shall plan and execute our jobs in accordance with the client’s Health, Safety and Environment policy; jobs that would be performed without due regards to HSE policy shall otherwise be suspended.

To ensure strict compliance with the HSE policy our staff will attend all HSE courses as may be recognized by us; the client management or any recognized safety organization.

We shall ensure that all staff on project sites wears equipment like boots, hard hats, hand gloves, ear-muff, goggles, etc, as may require on any particular operation to be carried out.

 Our company shall help in the promotion of Health, Safety and Environment both at home and at work, and accepts responsibility of providing procedures for safe operation at all time.

Safe Operating Procedures

His responsibilities include:

  1. Implementing of safe programme approved by the client’s loss Prevention Department.
  2. Managing day to day safety activities
  3. Investigating and reporting all incidence/accidents
  4. Preparing, distributing and monitoring tool box meetings
  5. Arrangement and supervision of good house-keeping
  6. Preparation of information and statistics concerning safety meeting for the supervisors/foremen.

Duties And Responsibilities Of Supervisors

Supervisors are responsible for the safety of the force control. That is to say that they will ensure that all safety regulations are complied with the enforced within the groups of employees they supervise, their duties and responsibilities also includes:

  1. Ensuring that safety regulations including that of the clients are strictly maintained.
  2. Disciplining defaulters of safety rules and regulations
  3. Ensuring that toolbox meetings are held daily
  4. Conducts accident investigating to reveal root causes
  5. Ensuring that personal protective equipment is utilized fully


Any situation in which an ongoing sequence of events terminates further development of potentially serious (safety related) consequences is called a nearliness. The purposes of collecting and analyzing nearliness related information are:

  1. To gain a quantitative insight into how (small) failures or errors develop into accidents and sometimes fatalities.
  2. To arrive at a statistically reliable fact into hazard occurrence or the factors giving rise to unexpected incidents.
  3. To maintain a high level of alertness to potentially dangerous situations especially when the rates of actual injuries and other related threats occurs within a given area at a given time.
  4. It is mandatory for person(s) experiencing a nearliness to report same to the supervisors or any safety Personnel close for timely evacuation.

Loss And Prevention Checks

Loss Prevention emphasizes the identification of hazards at different stages of the project believing some = incident prevention. It Embodies Chemical Screening Radiation Studies and Plant Safety Audit which are characterized by:

  1. A concern for insight technology associated with major hazards
  2. Emphasis on the management support safety
  3. A reliable system rather than a trial – and error approach
  4. A concern to avoid loss of containment resulting in major fire incident, explosion or toxic release
  5. The principles of risk analyses and hazard identification.
  6. The principles of independence in critical assessments and inspections.
  7. A critique of traditional practices of existing code, standards and regulations where these appear outdated or obsolete.

Basic Safety Rules

The following rules and safe work practices are to be observed.

  1. Anybody with physical handicap such as heart condition, herein loss of hearing should have permitted to work on site.
  2. Each employee must know his/her job before performing them.
  3. All workers must be acquainted with the location emergency procedures
  4. Tools must be kept where they may fall or injure others.
  5. Workers must make good use of the sanitary facilities provided on the job site at all times.
  6. Workers must not wear jewelry on the job.
  7. The use of compressed air to low out dirt/dust from the body must be strictly prohibited.
  8. Short cut to job execution shall not be allowed except client representative accepts it.
  9. Drunkenness, horse playing or fighting will attract immediate dismissal.
  10. All warning signs and signals must be observed.